The other question would be "How many Aggies does it take to set up a tent?

This was our first job. Our next job was to start clearing the field where the school was going to be built.

At 2:00 (sort of--Belizian time is a bit more flexible), we had the groundbreaking ceremony. It was really cool to have so many dignitaries there, supporting the school, but the best part for me was being asked (along with Bob W. and Rachel) by the choir to join them in the anthem--we sang The Church's One Foundation. So very moving.
We went back to the camp and cleaned up and then went to the open air service, which was amazing. The singing was fabulous, and you could really feel the Lord moving in the congregation. I just love singing with them.
Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Camalote Camp, Belize
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