At least I got a hot shower.
Church this morning! This has always been one of my favorite parts of these trips. I just think it's so cool that even though we live far apart, and we may do things a little differently, we still all worship God and love Jesus.

And it didn't disappoint. What an uplifting experience! The service was focused on children this morning, so the youth of the church led us in some choruses. Some of them we knew. Others... not so much. But we learned them as we went along, and it was so much fun. There was a choir, which I always love (they invited me to rehearsal on Tuesday afternoon), and it was Cradle Roll Sunday, so there were lots of very, very cute babies. Three guess as to where Laurinda went after the service.

Then this afternoon, some of the youth from the church came over to Camalote Camp for MYF.

We played games.

There were skits and songs.

Brian is caught up in the Sin Box, a box of temptations sent by Satan to get Christians to sin.

Both groups taught each other songs.

Caleb A. gave a "word" (and did an excellent job, too--Pastor Kip had better watch his back!).
Really, it was an amazing day--the perfect Sabbath, I think, leaving us rested and refreshed and ready for work tomorrow.

Julie M.
Thanks for posting the pictures. It looks like everyone had fun making new friends. Looking forward to reading more about your trip.